Conscious Aging, Rich Conversations
Programs for the Sage in You
Conscious Aging, Rich Conversations As a woman of 74, I have become passionate about redefining how we look at aging. In claiming my many years of wisdom and experience, I claim my "elderhood", and feel compelled to do what I have done all my life--tap into our collective wisdom and experience through sharing with others who are on a similar path. Together we'll explore assumptions and self-limiting beliefs about aging and make choices about our own lives that truly fit us.
Photo at left: me at my 50th high school reunion, summer, 2016. Where did the time go?
I have completed the Conscious Aging Facilitator Course sponsored by the Institute of Noetic Sciences in Petaluma, California, and am offering Conscious Aging Workshops around the country and online.
A little about the Conscious Aging, Rich Conversations 8-week Workshops: You will learn how to:
The workshop will focus on listening to your own inner wisdom and guidance, integrating inspirational ideas and best practices, sharing in intimate conversation circles, and listening to the collective wisdom of the group. Topics:
Each participant receives a comprehensive workbook and study guide.
Watch out! I'm passionate about this work.
Transformative opportunities coming in the near future:
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